
Sermons in: Guest Preachers

June 09, 2024

Remember Your Story

Transitions in life are difficult. The birth of a child; the death of...

June 02, 2024

The Blessing of God

The Blessing of God | Numbers 6:24-27 The Aaronic Benediction so...

May 19, 2024

You Are With Me

Psalm 23:4-6 highlights the core of Psalm 23 with the statement of...

November 12, 2023

The Repentance of Job

Job is described as "blameless," yet Job suffered - terribly. The book...

October 29, 2023

Wash and Be Clean

Naaman is wealthy and powerful but he has an incurable disease. While...

September 24, 2023

Wisdom From Job

We all know life can be difficult. Suffering is part of our walk...

June 18, 2023

What Prayer Is

Almost everyone prays. But what is prayer? More importantly how would...
