Plan a Visit

SUNDAYS | 10am

What to expect


Worship services start at 10 a.m. Sundays. Most of the year we worship in the Sanctuary, one flight up from street level. During the summer, June through September, we meet in the Social Hall, which is air-conditioned. This room is located at street level, directly accessible from the parking lot.

Count me in!

For Your Kids

Your children are welcome to stay with you during the entire service, but the church offers two other options for kids: Nursery care (ages 0 - 2) and Children and Worship (ages 3 - 8) during the sermon. You are welcome to visit these areas with your child. To ensure your child’s safety, all volunteers are required to pass a background check before beginning to work with children.

Coffee in the Second City Social Hall

Hot Coffee

Coffee and tea are available in the Social Hall before the worship service starts. Stop back after the service for another cup and some conversation, along with a few light snacks.

Easy Parking, Easy Walking

Off-street parking is available in the parking lot behind the church (enter from Green Street). You can also park on the street for free on Sundays. Second City is also very centrally located in midtown Harrisburg, so if you live in the city, walking and/or biking is an excellent option.

When you're here, you're family

photo of Dave T. “The thing that made us want to be a part of this church was the relationships. It was clear from the get-go that the people who were there were interested in connections on a deeper level.  We have found that to be very true over the years.”
-Dave & Tricia T.

Count Me In!


Where do I park?

Off-street parking is available in the parking lot behind the church (enter from Green Street). You can also park on the street for free on Sundays.

There are seven exterior doors. Where do I enter?

Greeters by parking lot doorFrom the parking lot:

If you park in the parking lot, the double doors to the left are closest to the Sanctuary.

The door on the far right, with a ramp entrance, leads to the Social Hall. If you're unable to use stairs, enter here.

From the front of the church:

Ramp from Verbeke StreetIf you’re walking to the church or parking on Verbeke Street (along the front of the church), use the double doors in the middle to get to the Sanctuary.

Unfortunately, the church's elevator is broken, and the only way to get to the Sanctuary is by using stairs. If you are unable to use stairs and the worship service is taking place in the Sanctuary during the day of your visit, you can watch live on a TV in the Social Hall and enjoy coffee and snacks after worship with the congregation.

We apologize for this inconvenience, and we hope to have the elevator working again soon.

What do I Wear?

We recommend clothes. Really, anything you want. We are pretty sure God is not concerned with what you wear. Some people dress up, and some don’t. All are welcome.

What are the people like?

Group at potluckWe are a congregation of people who genuinely love God. We believe God is our only real hope in life. We love to gather to worship him, to learn more about him and to explore what it means to follow him. We love spending time with each other and growing together.

We don’t pretend we’re perfect. We also don’t try to make people feel like they need to be perfect to worship with us. We can be honest with each other about our spiritual shortcomings because we believe God’s goodness and holiness have overcome our brokenness.

Visitors describe Second City as a welcoming church. We come from varied church backgrounds, life experiences and political views. We cherish our relationships with each other, and we love to meet new people. We believe everyone adds something valuable to our group.

We would love to meet you!

Learn more about us

Where is the entrance if I need special accommodations?

Ramp from parking lot into Social HallIf you’re unable to climb stairs, enter the door on the right of the building from the parking lot behind the church. Unfortunately, our elevator is broken, and the only way to get to the Sanctuary is by climbing stairs.

If we are worshiping in the Sanctuary on the day you visit (we worship in the Social Hall during summer months), you can watch the worship service live on a big-screen TV in the Social Hall. You can enjoy coffee and snacks with the congregation after worship.

We apologize for this inconvenience and hope to have the elevator working again soon.

Where exactly is the service?

Photo of Sanctuary during worshipMost of the year we worship in the Sanctuary, one flight up from street level.

During the summer, roughly June through September, we meet in the Social Hall, which is air-conditioned. This room is located at street level, directly accessible from the parking lot.

What is there for kids?

Kids putting Easter flowers on crossYour children are welcome to stay with you during the entire service, but the church offers two other options for kids:

  • Nursery care for ages 0 - 2 for the entire length of the service (in the Nursery)
  • An age-appropriate worship experience we call Children and Worship for ages 3 - 8 during the sermon (in the Orange Room directly below the Sanctuary).

You are welcome to visit these areas with your child.

To ensure your child’s safety, all volunteers are required to pass a background check before beginning to work with children.

Learn more about Childrens' Programs

What if my child is loud during the service?

Don’t worry about it. Children are a gift from God. The noises they may make are just part of the gift!

Where can I watch online?

Our services are live-streamed each Sunday. You can find them by clicking on the buttons below.

Watch our Livestream

Watch online on YoutubeWatch online on Facebook

My life is kind of a mess right now. Shouldn’t I get my life together first, before I start coming to church?

No, please don’t feel any pressure to do this. If we waited until we made our lives perfect, no one would ever be part of any church!

We can’t fix ourselves. We need God’s love to heal us and change us from the inside out. God loves you now, just as you are today, before you make any changes.

So come as you are, and know that you are welcome here.

Why be a part of a denomination?

According to Biblical teaching, Christians are bound to one another as the body of Christ in the life of the church. We believe denominations actually help maintain the holiness and purity of the universal church by grouping together like-minded believers. All Christians agree on the basic tenets of Christianity. However, over the centuries, as believers have studied and debated the scriptures, differing emphases and conclusions have developed. Different groups, or denominations, have formed as a result. Denominations have explained their conclusions by creating doctrinal statements. Modern believers can decide which conclusions resonate with them and choose to worship with others who share their beliefs on these matters.

Here at Second City Church, as a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America, we adhere to the Westminster Standards as faithfully representing the teachings of the Bible. Our governance structure is made up of a pastor and elders, who are elected and ordained by the congregation.

Second City Church

251 Verbeke St., Harrisburg, PA US 17102

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Little Light and Surprising Seeds

Peter Rowan | March 23, 2025

Growth in the Kingdom of God is a mystery. It seems at once both so entirely connected to us and what we do with what we have heard and at the... More