We Believe

When we gather together, Christ is with us

Life Together

There are many ways to get involved with our community beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Here are some options:

Children & Youth

In addition to children’s programs held during the worship service, there are many opportunities for our youngest members and attendees to fellowship together. Our community offers occasional Children’s Choir and Stick Drama opportunities, as well as fun children’s events like our annual Easter Egg hunt. Keep an eye on our calendar  for more information about upcoming programming and events for kids and youth.

Children's Programs

Small Groups

Joining a community group is a great way to get to know people in our church. Small groups meet periodically around the Central PA region in homes or at the church. These are generally organized by neighborhood but all are welcome to join any group. Childcare is sometimes provided. For an updated list of the groups meeting now, complete this form.

More About Small Groups

Adult Bible Study

An adult Bible study is held every Sunday at 9 a.m., led by one of three elders of the church. This group meets in the “Orange Room,” a big room directly below the Sanctuary, at the street level. This is an informal study, and participants don’t need any additional materials. Join us!

Coffee and Snacks After ChurchGroup of three women enjoying snacks after the service

One of the easiest ways to meet people is to hang around the Social Hall after the worship service. Join us for coffee, tea and light refreshments.

Second City Year at a Glance 

Below are some events we’ve enjoyed in the past and plan to continue. Based on the interests of the congregation, though, we may add to or subtract from this list. Check the calendar for upcoming events and dates.

  • Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner
  • Ash Wednesday evening church service
  • Palm Sunday outdoor procession
  • Maundy Thursday Seder meal
  • Good Friday Tenebrae service
  • Easter Brunch and champagne toast
  • Susquehanna River kayak and canoe float
  • Second Sunday summer picnics at local parks
  • Indoor pot-luck lunches after church
  • Overnight Saturday camp-out at Shaffer Retreat property
  • Sunday morning worship service at Shaffer Retreat property
  • Thanksgiving meal
  • Christmas Eve candlelight service
  • Retreats

Photos of Annual Events

Little Light and Surprising Seeds

Peter Rowan | March 23, 2025

Growth in the Kingdom of God is a mystery. It seems at once both so entirely connected to us and what we do with what we have heard and at the... More