Series: Lent
What Does Easter Make of You?
April 09, 2023 | Peter Rowan
Passage: John 20:11-29
See All Sermons in This Series
Easter is a time of reversals, the cross becomes the empty tomb, death becomes life. In his gospel, John shows Thomas' doubt turning into faith, the disciples' fear into courage, Mary's sorrow into joy. But it's not a story of such life-changing reversals only for those long ago. The same God does this Easter-shaped, god-inspired work all of the time in the lives of the greatest skeptics, the people that are full of fear and the lives that are full of sorrow. Easter good news continues today. Jesus rose from the dead and because he did countless lives have been transformed throughout history and even today.
When you know that the resurrection isn't just some far off, distant thing, but it affects you today. Now. It changes your life today. Now, it gives you hope in the midst of your overwhelming sorrow. It overcomes your deepest fears. It changes your long held doubts. These are the things that we see in the resurrection accounts. Easter happens but what we see here is Easter makes something of them for countless people the world over and throughout time, and I want you to think of some of these people: Alice Cooper, Antony Flew, Salvador Dali, CS Lewis, James Choi, Chuck Colson, Francis Collins who used to be the Director of the National Institute of Health and who did the Human Genome Project. Countless people throughout history have come face to face with the reality of the resurrection and have had Jesus call out their name. It has entirely changed their lives. I want you to think today "What does Easter make of you?"
Series Information

This series includes Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter.