Series: Our Lord's Prayer

Debts and Debtors

May 14, 2023 | Peter Rowan

Passage: Matthew 6:9-15

See All Sermons in This Series


We are all debtors! We are all up to our noses in debt. Not exactly the thing we want to hear. But we are called to love God with our whole heart and mind and soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. God and all of those made in his image are worthy of such love. In fact, their very being demands such love. And we don't give it. We are debtors. But God, in his infinite grace and kindness is the great Debt-Forgiver. And he says, if we understand that forgiveness we can't help but give it to others.


What what I want you to hear is that the observance of this day, of Mother's Day, came out of a deep belief that we have an obligation towards others, that we owe others something. We owe to others their care in the midst of their sorrow with the passing of their spouse. We owe it to others to walk alongside them in their single parenting. We We owe it to others to seek reconciliation when war seems to be the order of the day. We owe it to others to seek wholeness in the midst of brokenness, to honor those who were placed over us, to care for those who were placed under us. She became dead set against that of the observance of that day, because because she believed that that obligation was actually being taken away. And what it was becoming is something kind of trite and superficial. But the responsibilities that we have towards others, the obligation that we have towards others is nothing remotely trite. It's weighty, it's heavy, it's true. Here's Here's what I want you to hear. We owe others certain things. It may seem like a strange thing to kind of propose to you this morning. You owe others certain things.

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Series Information

It was common for a rabbi, for a great teacher, to teach others how to talk to God. When Jesus' teaches his disciples to pray he does so in response to their request for him to teach them "as John taught his disciples". But Jesus begins his prayer "Our Father", an incredibly intimate and therefore entirely radical way to approach God. Ever since, the Lord's prayer has been the foundation of all Christian prayer.

Other sermons in the series

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Our Lord's Prayer

Jesus begins his prayer "Our Father", an incredibly intimate and...

April 30, 2023

On Earth as In Heaven

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May 07, 2023

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May 28, 2023

Spirit Deliver Us!

We come to the last petition of the Lord's Prayer on Pentecost Sunday...